Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Chanel dancing at pool party

 Chanel out of money or just having fun?

Less than a month has passed since Rich passed. Looks like people are forbidden to have fun when somebody has died?

All this info is public and out there online.

Sara Piana comments about it on her Instagram. I haven't posted anything since I lost my husband @Idayumay, I find it sickening that in a matter of weeks @c_no5 (Chanel's) "her one and only love THE love of her life" passes away. That she's  in Vegas now at a pool party shaking her tits and ass!!!!

Smiling and living it up on his dime. SHAME ON YOU CHANEL!!! People can say whatever they want about me but I'm still grieveing.... even though I'm in a relationship with @chris_miller_time and we just had a 1 year "anniversary", I DID NOT post anything about that because I would find it in poor taste so soon after Joey's passing. Also the video she posted on his YouTube page was flat out LIE! Anyone that is stupid enough to believe that he was snorting his pre-workout while she was cutting his hair cant also be dumb enough to think he was having sleep apnea instead of a heart attack! Also she said she was "jumping on him with all her might" is that how you do CPR or what you do when someone is having sleep apnea??? I don't think so!!! I will assure you that the TRUTH will come out, what REALLY HAPPENED! I don't trust Chanel nor Jane (his ex wife/assistant) nor does Rich's mother. We both think something fishy is going on. We shall see!!!

#PrayForPiana #RIP #RichPiana

JIMMY.J REVIEWS [YouTube], (18 sept. 2017). Rich piana GIRLFRIEND CHANEL MOVING ON TO FAST!??. YouTube:

Well a 5 percenter comes in and defends her:

A 5 percenter threatening Sara

little_beast_nina post this. 
"Delete your fucking post about @c_no5 or this is staying up !!!!!! Since sara is sooooooo desperate to be relevant and I just called her ass out on her page and she blocked me... I'll help her get the publicity she so desperately is seeking .... she called Chanel an angel in her previous post for being by Richs side when she was no where to be found while ur so called beloved husband was dying...after Rich gives you the boot you go back to Tampa and spread you legs for another 5% athlete.. I mean if you are so thirsty to stay relevant I could also help you out and post your arrest warrant bc u didnt show up for ur court date bc You were scared of being deported... You wanna try to say Chanel killed Rich. Well the only criminal I see here is you ... she stole from @1dayumay ... dont see @c_no5 stealing $20 bracelets from A saks fifth ave OUTLET... I will not sit here and allow this cum guzzler to smear Chanels name.. the love of his life for fucking real..... shut the fuck up and take a seat BOO!!!! #gobacktoiceland

Wanna try to call out Chanel for being at a pool in Vegas WEEKS after Richs passing with her 5% family and support system.. when you were straight scheming to get whatever money you could out of him DAYS after.

JIMMY.J REVIEWS [YouTube], (19 sept. 2017). SARA PIANA MUGSHOTS & 5%er's THREATENING HER?!. YouTube:

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Chanel dancing at pool party

 Chanel out of money or just having fun? Less than a month has passed since Rich passed. Looks like people are forbidden to have fun when so...